Predicting corn, soybean and cotton yields and production based on NASS-USDA crop condition data. Please, no wagering!
So, clearly the USDA estimate suggests I have far to0 much of an impact on terminal yield based on planting progress. This could be because I have the wrong 'week' as the indicator, but planting was delayed across all the weeks to some extent. Maybe it is because farmers can get into the fields and get it all planted more quickly now than before, or maybe the seed technology is different. Or it could be that in previous years, delayed planting resulted in freeze issues that are not materializing this year, or, was the weather just cooperative this year and we didn't have the 'hot and dry' spell that would have crushed a late planted crop?
The same issue is present for IN and MI, but I'm using a bit later week for OH and planting progress was about 'normal' this week and thus you will note that I'm actually above USDA. While there are still several weeks left, I'm not sure I hold much hope to close that much of a gap. What I can say is that planting progress is playing a bigger role this year than I anticipated it would.